tsukihinafest 2023

welcome to tsukihinafest 2023, a fan event celebrating the ship between tsukishima kei + hinata shouyou.

info + schedule



August 7 - November 10

(ending on 11/10 tsukihina day!)

Aug 7 - Aug 25Collecting prompt submissions
Aug 26 - Sept 3Claiming (editable spreadsheet)
Aug 26 - Nov 10Creation period starts when claims do

how it works:

  1. Starting August 7, 2023, I will collect prompt submissions on the Twitter page.

  2. The prompting period will run for 2 weeks where participants can submit prompts through the form. Prompts can be anything you wanted to see come to reality. Anonymous submissions are accepted.

  3. Initial claiming period will follow in the next 2 weeks. There will be an editable spreadsheet where participating writers + artists can peruse and claim the prompt(s) they want to fill.

  4. After prompting period is over, claims and creation period will happen simultaneously. Participants will work on filling the prompt(s) they've claimed. We ask you to start with one (1) first before claiming more.

  5. The prompt submissions form will remain open up until the last week of creation period so you may continue submitting prompts up until then.


  • Think of it like a Christmas stocking fill: participants will submit prompts that others can decide to fulfill, it's a free for all.

  • You can submit up to 5 prompts.

  • Prompts can include other characters but must primarily feature the ship between Tsukki + Hinata.

  • Please prioritize prompts that haven't been claimed yet before going back to claim more. (yes, you can claim multiple!)

  • There won't be word count minimum for fics because short drabbles or multichapter fics are equally welcome!

  • Likewise, any stage of art is acceptable, from sketches to fully rendered works.

  • There is a chance not all prompts will be claimed or have something made for it, though we will do our best to try. this is why we ask to prioritize prompts that haven't been claimed yet! :)

  • The event will allow both SFW and nsfw options, but minors are not allowed to submit or fulfill nsfw prompts. If someone 18+ wants to submit an nsfw prompt, make sure all tags, ratings, and content warnings are labeled first.

coming soon...